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Young cripple gets a special needs wheelchair.
Poor blind begger.
Jesus on the mountain.
Lady crawling on a dirt road to come get a free wheelchair
Delivering a wheelcair in the mountains.
Delivering a wheelchair on a moto.
Waiting on his first ever wheelchair.
Humbled to help those who are hurting.
So thankful for a free wheelchair.
Wheelchair distribution in Andahuaylas Peru.
precious baby.
Such a precious reaction on her face.
One happy young man.
Our sons on this mission trip with us.
Putting shoes on these feet today.
Teach your children to pray.
My best friend.
She will not have to be carried no more after today.
Crippled from birth but now free.
Little girl saying yes to Jesus.
Little girl fascinated with her new toy.
Mission logo.
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